RTM API Reference (V1)

Updated on September 5, 2022

Events are sent on the RTM Events API WebSocket channel that you can open alongside your REST API channel, which allows you to receive asynchronous replies and events for some of your actions via the REST API.


You may subscribe to events by opening a Socket.IO connection to the WebSocket endpoint.

The RTM API endpoint URL is: wss://rtm.acme.com/

There is a limit on the maximum number of connections that can be simultaneously open with the RTM API (per-token, per-team and per-IP). This limit is quite high and can be revised at any time. Please make sure to teardown any unused connection before opening a new one. Most use cases require a single RTM API connection.


Available RTM event namespaces are listed below.

Note that if your API token is a app tier token, then you will only have access to the RTM events that your token scopes allow, based on the API routes that you have access to. Required scopes and tiers are listed for each event below.


Session Events

Session Update Availability

  • Event: session:update_availability
  • Description: session availability changed (eg. online to offline)
  • Tiers: user app
  • Scopes: team:conversation:sessions + read
  "team_id": "42286ab3-b29a-4fde-8538-da0ae501d825",
  "session_id": "session_36ba3566-9651-4790-afc8-ffedbccc317f",
  "availability": "online"

Session Update Verify

  • Event: session:update_verify
  • Description: session verification status changed
  • Tiers: user app
  • Scopes: team:conversation:sessions + read
  "team_id": "42286ab3-b29a-4fde-8538-da0ae501d825",
  "session_id": "session_36ba3566-9651-4790-afc8-ffedbccc317f",
  "is_verified": true

Message Events

Message Updates

  • Event: message:updated
  • Description: message has been updated
  • Tiers: user app
  • Scopes: team:conversation:messages + read
  "team_id": "42286ab3-b29a-4fde-8538-da0ae501d825",
  "session_id": "session_36ba3566-9651-4790-afc8-ffedbccc317f",
  "fingerprint": 163240180126629,
  "content": "This is an edited message!"