URL Parameters

Updated on March 29, 2023

Portal comes with a set of URL parameters that can be passed in the URL.

What are URL paramerters ?

Also called query parameters, URL parameters are attributes appended at the end of an URL. Those attributes will then be used by the website to trigger custom behavior.

If you are not familiar, please take a few minutes to check this article.

List of parameters

For each parameters, we provide a short description, the type of content expected and an example.

identifyEmail - string

Set the email of the user

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?identifyEmail=john.doe@domain.com

identifyUsername - string

Set the username of the user

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?identifyUsername=john

identifyId - string

Set the id of the user

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?identifyId=1

attributes - string (base 64)

Set some attributes of the user.

For more information about how to pass custom attributes to the users, see our dedicated guide.

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?attributes=eyJmb28iOiJiYXIifQ==

forceLanguage - string

Set the language of the portal for the user.

We expect the passed languages to be one of those :

  • en
  • fr
  • es
  • pt
  • it
  • de
  • jp
  • zh
  • sk

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?forceLanguage=fr

hideTopNav - boolean

Hide the top nav (project logo and user setting)

Example : https://pied-piper.usesjimo.com?hideTopNav=true

Append multiple parameters

Let's add multiple parameters at the same time. The URL bellow will set the id of the user to 1 and his username to john

