Portal | How to
Give Feedback

Identify users

Updated on September 5, 2022

At Jimo, we care for the privacy of your users. Therefore, they are not required to identify them self before giving feedback. But from your side, this can be annoying to receive feedback from an anonymous user. That's why we provide a way to share the user's data existing in your app so that you can see it in our dashboard.

What you have before using identify

The only information you have on the jimer is a random identifier (sxPi in this example)

What you have after using identify

You will see the email of your user appears next to the random identifier

Identify with URL parameters

You can set the following identification attributes

  • identifyEmail : email of the user
  • identifyUsername : username of the user
  • identifyId : id of the user

You can find more information about those parameters here.


Let's assume you have inserted your portal link somewhere in your app.

There is a great chance that you have some user data available so let's append the email of the user and his username to the portal link so that he can be identified him when he access it.


From there, when users click on portal link and access it, he will be automatically identified and you will see his information in your jimo dashboard.

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